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2022 NBA Finals: When "Homework" Stories Are No Longer Top Priority

Published:2022-06-16 By Việt Long(Meta Sports) Comments
Whether it is Golden State Warriors or Boston Celtics, no one has many articles to hide at NBA Finals 2022, especially when the two sides are proved to be extremely balanced and balanced.

Will Golden State use Kevon Rooney or Otto Porter Jr. in the starting lineup? Will Boston Celtics accept sacrifice and midfield double Stephen Curry?

Many questions are tactical when the NBA Finals 2022 series is in a 2-2 equilibrium position. However, there are not many things that the two parties can hide anymore, especially about the story of "homework".

NBA Finals 2022,Stephen Curry, golden state warriors,Boston Celtics,NBA Finals,Jayson Tatum,

"Change? I don't think the team will change much by this time of the season," Draymond Green shared before Game 5 of the 2022 NBA Finals.

“In the arena like NBA Finals, you know who your opponent is and vice versa, they also understand what you will do in certain times. You will not be able to make major tactical changes, nor can you change personnel.

At this point there are no cards to hide, the best thing that two teams can do is to redecorate the wrongs to minimum, complete the operation and complete them in the ability of an eight-1-1.

2022 NBA Finals, Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors, Boston Celtics, NBA Finals, Jason Tatum

Representing the Boston Celtics, defender Grant Williams agreed with the point of view and added that Warriors is better in the stage of applying tactics in reality.

8220;I feel they're in complete discipline. That's the result from how they have a lot of carbon monoxide in and outside of 82211;, Williams says Golden State at NBA.20.

"Their spirit has been very good. Although there were mistakes, in the next ball stage, the whole team remained focused and did not let the psychology be affected.

I think the experience and maturity will help create discipline in the gameplay. That's what I judge them is better than the ability to adjust or other things. "

NBA Finals 2022,Stephen Curry, golden state warriors,Boston Celtics,NBA Finals,Jayson Tatum,

The NBA Finals this year's balance is surprisingly surprisingly surprisingly surprisingly the score of the NBA Finals this year's equivalent, each team has won in a large way.

No team really excels at the first four games, both on the playground and where they won. Yeah.

Boston's been seven-220 hijacked by half the Golden State's advantage of winning a Game 1 on the guest field, then it's a reverse-eight game game of Warriors.

Some other statistics show how two teams are struggling together:

Specify eFG%Warriors 54.2%Celtics 53.7%

The ratio turnover on the top of the round: Warriors 13.5%3%

Specifies rebound: Warriors 23%Celtics 23.5%

NBA Finals 2022,Stephen Curry, golden state warriors,Boston Celtics,NBA Finals,Jayson Tatum,

For the Boston Celtics, disciplinary and stubborn streak will bear the determination of the Golden State Warriors to defeat the champion.

At Game 4 when Warriors upstream, Celtics nearly "'8022n'hungry' for a very long time, their attacks are turning to jam. Tactical, or the attacks can't be shape.

The final hits of Boston baskets have allowed the opponents to suffer in the last eight minutes, leading to the general failure.

Eight-millimeter;a lot of times we've been in rush, throwing hard shots or losing the ball in the attack, and then making the mistake of the defense so that there's eight-221;, Grant Williams shares.

The NBA Finals and in front of a Golden State who's made such a huge mistake.

We need to compete more disciplinary, keep the steady psychology because this is the point that the entire team can't be accomplished, but Warriors are strong at this point 8221;, the Celtics show more.

NBA Finals 2022,Stephen Curry, golden state warriors,Boston Celtics,NBA Finals,Jayson Tatum,

Contrary to sloppiness on the other side of the front line, the Warriors' more disciplined and calm team has helped them gain a foothold in the NBA's top defense.

No matter how hard it is, or how many points ahead, Golden State has shown stability and maintained confidence.

"Boston has excellent defense, long arm spans, smart kicks, good cover. So we're prepared to slow down, patiently find finishers, and fully follow tactics," big shot Otto Porter Jr. told reporters.

"Being in no hurry and putting yourself in a position where we are not ready may be the key to helping us play our attack more effectively."

2022 NBA Finals, Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors, Boston Celtics, NBA Finals, Jason Tatum

After 82 regular season games and more than 20 playoff appearances, maybe Boston Celtics and Golden State Warriors have no cards to hide.

Therefore, game discipline and the ability to follow tactics will be an important key for any team in this NBA Finals.

Game 5 of the Finals Series-the 2022 NBA Finals-will be played Tuesday, June 14 at 8:00 a.m. at Chase Center, home to the Warriors.

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