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Appropriate nutrition - factors that help runners achieve impressive achievements

Published:2023-08-12 By Thi Nguyên(MetaSports) Comments
Athletes Trinh Quoc Luong, Anna Le... advise MetaSports Marathon Nha Trang runner to supplement with proper nutrition, sleep in moderation to ensure health on race day 13/8.

Talkshow "Before the starting line" is a "specialty" before each tournament of the MetaSports Marathon system, broadcast live on the race Fanpage. With the topic of nutrition, this period, the organizers invited three special characters, including Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dat - Communication Director of Herbalife Nutrition; Anna Le - known as "the tireless bird of Nha Trang running" and national track and field player Trinh Quoc Luong.

As the only female, runner Anna Le was prioritized by male guests to share their views first. According to her, many runners only focus on training schedules and detailed exercise content, but neglect nutrition. For her, the nutritional factor determines 50% of the achievement.

"My first rule is to balance nutrition, balance the amount of starch and protein that will be loaded, and at the same time supplement with vitamins and minerals," she said. Previously, Anna set PR (personal record) 21km in one hour 41 minutes. Since changing her diet, her health is better, her muscles are toned, and she runs steadily, so she set up a new PR: one hour and 31 minutes - a dream achievement for many longtime runners at this distance.

I race 5 days, she does not drink coffee, stimulants, sleep early. With long runs like 21km, 42km, she advises runners to get enough energy, focusing on the 8-10km mark, to ensure good health, not to lose breath or lose strength. Depending on the weather, hot weather like Nha Trang, salt and minerals should not be ignored...

Athlete Trinh Quoc Luong also agrees with senior Anna Le. He cited the proverb "only true is the new religion" to emphasize the point: enough nutrition, the body has enough energy to exercise effectively and achieve the best.

"I have a fairly full meal: fruit, drinking water, yogurt to support digestion. The main dish needs enough protein, vitamins, calcium supplements to limit injuries," he said. If it is difficult to eat, the classic player will use more mixed functional foods and pills to help absorb and save time. He also said no to alcohol and beer, instead drinking fruit juice to cool down.

Before race day, he chooses an easy-to-digest menu such as fruit, adding electrolytes. During the competition, through each water station, he advocated timely replenishment of water to avoid exhaustion, low alertness or fainting on the track. Salt and gel are ingredients he values. He suggested that runners need to carefully calculate which km to load salt, which km to load gel.

After reaching the finish line, he diligently drank filtered water, gel (in the form of an easy-to-absorb liquid), and cool fruit. After that, Luong began to recover, relax, soak in ice pools, run loose to stabilize muscles.

Trinh Quoc Luong also advises runners to get used to the terrain first to know how to distribute power, which part to increase and decrease, which part to chase or leave the opponent behind. "Depending on the terrain, weather and physical condition, I will add reasonable energy, in which I will note the milestones of 10km, 15km, 30 or 35 kilometers. Yesterday, I surveyed the Nha Trang running, because there were There are many slopes, runners need to add gel, energy bars, and water to ensure the energy to complete the race," he added.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dat - Communication Director of Herbalife Nutrition - also encourages runners to balance exercise and the key to nutrition. "Need to take care of nutrition every day, not just near the race day to pay attention," he emphasized.

In addition to electrolytes, vitamins B, C and necessary energy lines, runners can refer to H24-F1 Sport sports nutrition powder - specifically made for adults who love to exercise, athletes who want to maintain communication. According to Mr. Thanh Dat, the product is packaged in powder form, easy to mix and use.

MetaSports Marathon Nha Trang started at 3am on August 13, attracting 11,000 runners, including 300 international runners. Starting from 2/4 Square, runners of all 4 distances will run on the most beautiful roads - from the inner city to the suburbs, conquering the majestic Luong Son Pass.

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