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Bayern goalkeeper ordered 700 kg of chocolate to thank De Ligt

Published:2023-03-14 By Vĩnh San(MetaSports) Comments
Duc Yann Sommer kept his promise when giving midfielder Matthijs de Ligt a chocolate truck to thank him for saving the ball on the goal line against PSG.

Bayern defeated PSG 2-0 in the second leg of the 1/8 round on March 8 to enter the quarter-finals of the Champions League with a final 3-0 victory. But things could be more difficult for the German club if De Ligt did not correct Sommer in the 38th minute, when the score was 0-0. The Bayern goalkeeper lost the ball in the penalty area and PSG midfielder Vitinha took the opportunity to shoot into the empty goal. Thanks to De Ligt in time to cover, lean over to block the ball on the line, Bayern just escaped a conspicuous goal.

After the game, Sommer promised to thank De Ligt with a chocolate truck. "I will put a truck of Swiss chocolates in front of his house. The way De Ligt saved me was amazing," the 34-year-old goalkeeper said to the camera.

Sommer kept his word, when ordering 700 kg of chocolate from Kagi - a Swiss manufacturer, but not traditional chocolate, but chocolate-covered sponge cake, to thank his teammates. On March 13, after three and a half hours of traveling from Toggenburg, Switzerland, Kagi's truck brought the gift to Munich. However, Bayern did not allow De Ligt to receive this shipment.

"Ten minutes before arriving in Munich, we received bad news: the chocolate truck from Switzerland will not be delivered to the Bayern headquarters in Sabener Strasse as originally requested. After more than three hours of driving, it can be said that the news made it worse. We are very disappointed," Kagi spokesman Miu Nguyen told German newspaper Merkur on March 13.

But instead of turning around, carrying 700 kg of chocolate back to Switzerland, Kagi took the initiative to deliver these packages to Munchner Tafel - an NGO specializing in providing charity meals. After successfully contacting Tafel, the truck was diverted to the organization's headquarters to deliver the chocolates.

Unlike Bayern, Tafel was delighted to receive a surprise gift. The organization's informant Steffen Horak suggested that Bayern refused the chocolates possibly because they did not get the club's food department first. "But we need that chocolate and will put it on the menu as soon as this week. We will arrange for all 28 Tafel catering locations to have some chocolate in each place," Horak added.

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