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Brazilian runner set a record of running 366 consecutive marathons

Published:2023-09-15 By Hồng Duy(MetaSports) Comments
Brazil After quitting his job in the technology sales department in 2022, 44-year-old runner Hugo Farias set a record for running a marathon every day for a year.

After quitting his job at IBM, Farias started the challenge on August 28, 2022 with the goal of completing 365 marathons in 365 consecutive days to prove anything can happen.

The runner decided to run another marathon because he wanted to set a Guinness World Record and surpass the achievements of Belgian runner Stefan Engels and British runner Gary McKee - two people who completed running a marathon for a full calendar year.

Farias records his runs on Strava - a social network for sports activities - and wears a bib with a number depending on the number of marathons he has participated in. After running the 366th consecutive marathon on August 28 with the cheers of 2,000 people, the runner from Sao Paulo joked: "I think I will start reducing the amount of running now."

The father of two traveled 15,443 km, equivalent to a flight from New York to Singapore, and reached a total elevation of 123,000 meters, equivalent to about 14 times the height of Mount Everest. Farias used a total of 27 pairs of running shoes in the challenge and changed 10 pairs of shoes over 10 days in the first five months.

To complete this challenge, Farias must plan meticulously and have support from a team of medical experts including running coaches, physical trainers, physiotherapists, psychologists, and nutritionists. , an orthopedist, cardiologist, physiologist and dermatologist - is also his wife.

Runner Brazil also spent three months preparing physically and mentally before undertaking the marathon journey of 366 consecutive days. Farias plans to write a book about setting this Guinness World Record and hopes to start thinking up new challenges for 2024.

Before Farias, Danish ultrarunner Annette Fredskov ran 366 marathons in 365 days - an achievement that was even more amazing when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Fredskov ran two marathons on the final day.

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