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Coach Park:'lightweight wants AFF Cup 20'

Published:2022-09-21 By Vĩnh San(MetaSports) Comments
TP HCM in the press conference in front of the 20-9, Coach Park Hang-seo says there's a way to get back to the AFF Cup this year's end.

"Last night, the Sea Gang was a little late and tired, but I still had some problems, Coach Park told me. "I've been talking to the lighthouse about hard work at present. AFF Cup hasn't been set up in FI Days, so we can't ask for the club, but I know all players who are desperate to give up for national teams and the AFFAF's team, too. Lord of Light. He's been to France for a while, and he needs time to adapt."

There's a two-year contract on the Pau Club, at Ligue 2. Do AFF Cup isn't on FIFA schedule and coincide with Pau during Pau fight in Ligue, her blood quarterback to get her team. That's what makes Coach Park very private. Recently, he continued to urge the Vietnam League to impact on the French Fight Club.

The Admiralty is the main factor of the team at Coach V Park, a great contribution on the journey to the U23 Asia Asia-2018, AFF Cup 2018, SEA Games 2019 and entering the last World Cup 2022. "The Custom Ocean will try to convince Club, and I believe he'll have a way to get back to AFF Cup", Coach Park says more. "The lightweight is the best player in Vietnam right now and the only person who plays in foreign shadows, of course, if he can't come back, there'll be a replacement, but it'll affect the power of the team.

After closing off the 16 V-League 2022, the crew have landed on TP HCM, prepare for the Prom international acquisition of the lucky 2022 meets Singapore (21/9 and India (29). This is the FIFA Days game to help Vietnam score on the FIFA class. Through the tournament, Coach Park will evaluate, get the best team ready for AFF Cup by the end of the year.

Singapore to 23 players, most of the AFF Cup, Coach Park evaluated. "But their new manager was recently appointed from the youth team, Singapore was on the same team in Vietnam at the end of the year's Cup so they'd probably hide the opportunity I'd like to give the opportunity to the new recruiters tomorrow. I'll watch them fight.

There are nine U23 players called this round, including the Secret Service members, the British defense of the British Stadium, the Jiangzhen Wen Dam, Phan Hong Kong Dam, the Secret Service, the Three, the two of Wen Wen Shu Shu Shu Shu Wen Wen Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu, Wei, and Wei, Wei, and Ning Wen Shu Shu Shu Wen Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Among these, the youngest and the Secret Service, of the U20-20 province, the Browser fought with the Emperor on Da Nang peaches. Over three days of training, Coach Park realized that most of the young players were excited the first time they were on the job, even without the tension, the pressure. You also assume that the young players have mastered their abilities by Coach V, and hope to see it in the next fight.

While the surrounding countries enhanced the legislation or spread the red carpet to invite the cross-combat players to the team, Vietnam still precedes the civil defense. According to the Department of Culture, there's a father who's Vietnamese and she's Russian, which is a rare case that comes out of the country that was on this list.

It's mentioned the subject of the merger, Coach Park said: "I couldn't find out all the Vietnamese blood players, but I also know the Filip had not provided a list, I've been to Norway to see a Vietnamese player, but I've searched for three years, but also known only the Filip players, in many Vietnamese radicals, including including including including including including including including including including including including including including the people who had many Vietnamese players. The national anthem of Vietnam are all qualified for the team. But the problem with their rights, their desires. I can't say whether I like to own the Vietnamese player or not. It's also about the government. It's important that the players have to blend in and the atmosphere of the team, because football is gym exercise."

ticket ticket ticket tickets to the Vietnam owners including three levels: 200.00, 400. The 24-9 Battle of Singapore is only a hundred 00 0/ticket.

Yuan Zhen (Yuan Zhen) Yuan Meng (Viettel) Post Lam

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