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Djokovic and Russian courier to widen Australia

Published:2022-10-12 By Vy Anh(MetaSports) Comments
The director of Australia expands Craig Tiley welcomes Novak Djovic and the Russian players, Belarus attending five 2023, in the notice of 12/10.

Mr. Tiley said that the Grand Slam organization in Melbourne happy to welcome Djokovic if you could get visa in Australia for Australia, 1/2023. This could happen high after the Australian Prime Minister Albanese to cancel their third year.

Mr. Albanese loves tennis and often plays several times a week. That's why you're supposed to want Australia to expand their top racketeers. Djokovic was controlled by the government of former Prime Minister Scott Morrison to order three years ago, after flying to Melbourne without a confirmation for the early Covid-19-19.

"We have not contacted the government of the Djokovic's case and failed to interfere with his visa", Tiley said to the 12/10-year-year-old government. "The Djokovic will solve the problem between them and we follow the following the following municipalities.

Tiley was supposed to be the head of the state Victoria to Djokovic to enter Melbourne this year. Your plan was bankrupt when the United States government shut off the field of 35 at the airport and forced Djokovic out of the country after two court.

Next to Djokovic, Tiley tells us the Russian forearms, Belarus are scheduled to expand, as long as it's a neutral match. The Russian rackets, Belarus was banned from Wimbledon this year for the Russian conflict of Russia-Ukraine, and Djokovic just expanded by non-injection.

Not any of the Australians government support Djokovic the first Grand Slam tournament next year. Karen Andrews opposition contractor this week says that you object to the idea of removing the Serbian restraining order. "It was a slap in the face of the Australians who injected the room," Andrews said.

Djokovic holds the record nine landings of Australia expanding. If the penalty is not lifted, you can only go back to the tournament in Melbourne for five 2025.

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