enstein, message to the Liechtenstein vs Andorra: bullying the host.
Even though there's no way out of sight, 822-822, short 822; in Europe but the Andorra has been a very aggressive development over the last decade. From 206 position at 2011, Andorra has reached its third location on the BXH of FIFA.
At the League 2022/2023, Andorra accumulated four points from the victory of 2-1 before Liechtenstein and the 0-0-0 battle with Moldova. If we're going to spend the last two years of friendship, Andorra wins 3/6 outpost, and we're going to draw one, 2.
Back in Andorra, Liechtenstein failed by the 118 post (in five 2011) down to BXH FIFA. This is also the lowest position this team has had known since he joined the world football league.
In your turn, Liechtenstein to lose Andorra 1-2, before that, they also lost this team with the billion 0-1 teams when two friends.
Before the Andorra remainder tonight, Liechtenstein was lost in full of recent troops, torn to the general network of three times. enstein court isn't much help to Liechtenstein when they've got a 16 storm that won, with even 3, 13.