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Escape in the coastal city, Hanoi Buffaloes gives a huge advantage in the semi -finals of VBA 2022

Published:2022-08-21 By Biển Đen(Meta Sports) Comments
It seems that playing away from home in a VBA semi -final game will be a disadvantage for Hanoi Buffaloes, but then they have received a huge advantage

Difficulties of home conditions make Hanoi Buffaloes have to accept a VBA semi -final game on the away field, instead of the home field as expected.

However, Nha Trang Dolphins still faced greater disadvantages when Cleveland Jackson was injured and could not play.

Without the main ball, Nha Trang Dolphins was not good. After scoring the first 5 points, the home team suffered a series of 12 consecutive points of the opponent and fell into a chase. At the end of the first half, Dolphins were led 12-23, with 2-12 throwing efficiency.

However, coach Todd Purves knows how to make it difficult for the old team. From the second half of the first half, the ball was put under the basket for Dominique. The overseas Vietnamese player with a giant muscle mass has made both the opponent's Big Man Tran Minh Hieu and Shane Henry involved Foul Trouble.

Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham

Domnique's power makes Hanoi Buffaloes's squad contract, and it is the opportunity for the throwers like Huynh Vinh Quang, causing pressure from the outside of the 3 -point line. The distance is shortened to only 3 after half of the competition time.

The home team even took the lead at the beginning of the third half, but this advantage did not hold long. Physical limitations do not allow Dominique to darken and Fleyennard Whitfield is like the first time.

Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham

Meanwhile, the disadvantage of the shortage of foreign competitors of coach Eric Weissling. HANOI Buffaloes effective trap catches help them exploit a lot of points from the opponent's Turnover. Exactly 31 points from 29 times losing the ball of the opponent.

Hanoi Buffaloes sometimes create a gap of up to 17 points, but it seems that the match in Nha Trang in the qualifying round does not give them any lesson. Unbelievable subjective subjects in both the ball and the attack make their scores stand still at 68 milestones for about 3 minutes.

Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham

Taking advantage of this, Nha Trang Dolphins scored 12 points and made the opponent fall into an impatient state, made many errors. Coach Eric Weissling must call the meeting twice in a row when the gap is shortened to 5 points.

The larger disaster can come in the ball shortly after, when Son Minh Tam robbed the ball from Jefferey Stubbs's pass. However, on an extremely cool day with 2-9 efficiency, the original Soc Trang player slipped before the hopeless pressure of Dinh Tien Cong.

Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham

That negligence was immediately punished, when Tien Duong launched a 3 -point clutch throw at the familiar angle of 0. Stubbs scoring the ball score then marked the end of the first playoffs at home of Nha Trang Dolphins.

Now, Dolphins will be a huge challenge, when they will face 2 away games in a row - maybe even 1 - after losing game 1 right at home.

Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham
Hanoi Buffaloes, VBA, VBA basketball, VBA playoffs, Nha Trang Dolphins, Jeff Stubbs, Dominique Tham

With a density of 2 days, the ability to play at CLEVELAND Jackson's royal family is a question mark. The same thing happened to coach Todd Purves, who had 2 technical errors in game 1. Previously, the American strategist had been blown with two similar errors in the qualifying round.

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