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Exchange online with Truong Twins: reveal the project that inspires "terrible" in the year

Published:2022-08-16 By Việt Long(Meta Sports) Comments
This is the opportunity for the fans to be watched directly, accompanied by Zhang Yangth and Zhang Wei, which is now revealed to a very special program.

At the 31st SEA Games in Hanoi capital in May, the 3x3 basketball team in Vietnam made history with two silver medals. The most prominent among Vietnamese basketball players reaching this area is probably none other than twins Truong Thao My - Truong Thao Vy.

Truong's cousin was born and raised in the US, both parents are Vietnamese. In the path of pursuing a passion for basketball, Thao My and Thao Vy have faced many difficulties, considered "short, light weight" due to Asian blood.

But overcome all, Truong Thao My and Truong Thao Vy have become a phenomenon before being awarded scholarships at Gonzaga University, NCAA Division 1 school, the highest level of university and college basketball in the US. .

Vietnamese basketball, Truong Thao Vy, livestream Truong Twins, Timo, Truong Thao My

By 2022, Zhang's sisters were given the opportunity to play for the Vietnamese national team to compete at the 31st SEA Games. Both did not need to think and immediately accepted, starting the journey to share the inspirational story. of yourself, at the same time bring the pride of Vietnamese blood.

It has been more than 3 months since Thao My, Thao Vy and his teammates brought the silver medal for Vietnamese basketball, but the attraction of "Truong Twins" has not cooled down.

Although the two sisters returned to the United States to continue the path of education, at the same time practicing and preparing to play a new season for Gonzaga University, domestic fans were constantly watching idols.

Vietnamese basketball, Truong Thao Vy, livestream Truong Twins, Timo, Truong Thao My

Fans in Vietnam still look forward to each post, photos or videos to have the latest updates of the two sisters. So what if the fans can directly interact with My and Vy in the next few days?

At 20:00 on August 18, 2022, the TV basketball page combined with Timo Digital Bank will hold an online conversation with two sisters Truong Thao My and Truong Thao Vy.

In the event of the conversation there will be Cheung Twins, Mrs. Tran Chan (director of Media and Foreign Bank of Timo) with two very special guests.

Fans will be exchanged with Thao My, Thao Vy and the representative of Timo, helping viewers update what Truong has done in the past time as well as the plans in the future.

In addition, the program will announce a special inspiration project with the name "Success overcoming challenges, nurturing passion", implemented by Timo Digital Bank cooperated with Thao My - Thao sisters Vy and TV basketball.

The conversation will be livestreamed on the official Facebook of Timo Digital Bank, Fanpage and TV basketball channel. Let's "ibi idol" and follow this special livestream.

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