Friends call Messi the Beast.
Argentina -(22h-8/12, on MetaSports.
"It's fortunate that we have the'Beast'in the team", De Paul said after the sale of Croatia 3-0-0-day-0/12. "We fight for our nation, and all because Messi's captain, our captain, our team, as you and we'll say.
Back in 9, it was De Paul and Papu Gomez who ordered new Messi as "The Weasel."
After the Honduras 3-0-0 orgy, Messi wrote on Instagram: "Once again, thank you for your support." "That's how the weasel bites," De Paul comment, while Gomez wrote, "The weasel is crazy!" According to Spain Marca, this nickname of Messi comes from teammates of Argentina in PSG.
Meanwhile, the fans know more about Messi than the nickname "Beetle" "(El Pulga) - little tiny parasites but with extraordinary speed and health. This code has been with Messi since the first years of my career, indicating that he's capable of traveling without his body and his ideal height.
Messi is an inspiration for Argentina on Friday at the World Cup finals. On the scoreboard, the 35 star says two pounds, including the temple penalty at the Saudi Arabia losing Army 1-2 and the best of the number of Mexican 2-0 wins.
During 1/8 meeting Australia, Messi continued to make a difference with the left-foot kicks in a billion, the part that brings the 2-1. Meet Dutch at the end, meet the Messi create so Nahuel Molina opens up the number of the first round and the shots of the shots. To sell the Croatia 3-0, an Argentina counteract the price of an audience and make Julian Alvarez assess the results, set up a series of record at the world's highest soccer game game.
"Few people know what Messi've done to always be the best, and I'm very happy for him," De Paul said. "After all that's happened, I want to see Messi enjoy the most amazing emotion,'cause he deserves it."
Aside from the World Cup 2022, Messi can also win two personal badges as the King broke the net and the best players. The Argentinian military is now leading the grid list of King and five tables, with Kylian Mbappe, and the King created with three times, with Harry Kane, Bruno Fernandes and Griezmann.
Through 6-6, Messi had four times voted to be the best player in the game, when we met Mexico, Poland at the final round, the Dutch and Croatia at the end. Fifty 2014, you win the World Cup Golden Ghost in the final battle.