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Hai Phong's young fans were burned by fireworks on Hang Day Stadium

Published:2023-08-03 By Hiếu Lương(MetaSports) Comments
Hanoi A young fan of Hai Phong was hospitalized with burns from the home team's own fireworks, during the 1-3 loss on Hanoi's field in the V-League 2023, on the evening of August 2.

In the 34th minute, Nguyen Huu Than took a penalty kick, equalizing 1-1 for Hai Phong. Right after that, the area for the away team's fans in stand B lit up with flares and fireworks. Security forces immediately appeared to intervene.

Suddenly, a cannon was thrown directly at the mobile police, causing him to use his hand to push it away and step on it to put out the fire. Accidentally, light rays shot around, hitting a young fan.

After receiving medical first aid on Hang Day Stadium, this fan was taken to an ambulance and transported to the nearby Saint Pon hospital. Through the examination, the baby was determined to have a mild injury when 1% second degree fire burns on the left thigh, just changing the bandage and taking medicine daily.

Before the above situation, the Hai Phong fan area also appeared about seven flares, mainly burning before the match started. Hai Phong Club Chairman Van Tran Hoan had to come out and ask the home team's fans not to light flares. However, with what happened, the Organizing Committee of Hang Day Stadium must certainly receive a penalty from the Disciplinary Committee of the Vietnam Football Federation.

After the match, coach Chu Dinh Nghiem of Hai Phong confirmed that flares are not safe for the community. "Everybody should follow the no flare rule," he said. "Hai Phong fans light flares, affecting many other people and the image of the club itself."

Flares often appear on Hang Day yard every time the host Hanoi receives Hai Phong and recently Nam Dinh, although the yard organizers try to prevent it. In the V-League 2019, during the Hanoi FC – Nam Dinh match, a female fan sitting in stand A was seriously injured in the thigh by a flare fired from stand B for the away team's fans. The perpetrator was later prosecuted and sentenced to four years in prison.

This season, Hanoi FC was fined 20 million dong for letting the audience of Nam Dinh away team set off flares in the 11th round of phase I. In the third round of phase II, the capital team was fined 25 million dong due to the visitors of the away team. Nam Dinh threw many water bottles on the field and had vulgar words insulting and insulting the referee.

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