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Hoa Binh Park Runner wants to win VM Hanoi Midnight

Published:2022-11-17 By Thanh Lan(MetaSports) Comments
Possessing a team of no foreign soldiers, 10 runners running the full marathon sub3, Hoa Binh Park Runner aims to win the MetaSports Marathon Hanoi Midnight team championship, taking place on November 26.

Near the date of the Hanoi night run, Hoa Binh Park Runner (HBPR) has revealed a lineup of all the stars in the running village. Out of the 20 official line-up runners, there are 10 people running FM sub3 (under 3 hours), 8 people have stood on the podium to receive prizes at MetaSports Marathon, 3 people have many years of experience as a pacer. Hoang Duc Huy - President of HBPR, is the runner with the best FM record, reaching 2 hours 46 minutes 3 seconds, has a ticket to the Boston Marathon in April next year.

"With what we have, winning the MetaSports Marathon Hanoi Midnight team race is possible," Hoang Duc Huy said.

HBPR is considered by runners to be tight-lipped but has a very strong capacity. The club was established in 2017, with the core being runners in the area around Hoa Binh Park (Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi). Up to now, the club has about 370 official members.

In the past five years, regardless of winter or summer, from 4:30 a.m., people in this area can easily see the blue shirt ball happily practicing together. The running track in the park is 1.4 km long, airy, with many trees, gradually becoming the "headquarters" for the club's activities.

"We have coach Hoang Le who builds lesson plans for the members. The exercise structure is researched, suitable for each person to have the best performance," Hoang Huy shared. According to him, thanks to disciplined practice, the individual adheres to the lesson plan, the runner makes uniform progress.

When the news that the Hanoi night marathon had a team race category, the best runners of HBPR gathered into two groups, in accordance with the regulations of the Organizing Committee. Group one consists of elites, championship goals. The other group are those with modest achievements, participating in the tournament to connect, exchange and spread the image of the club. A total of 46 team racers are seasoned, with an average age of 40.

To join this all-star team, the management board sets specific requirements for runners such as: being an official member of HBPR, regularly participating in club activities. In particular, with the championship team, they require members to have good results at recent tournaments or pass internal tests every Saturday morning.

"We have no need to recruit foreign soldiers to join the two team racing teams. Win or lose, the club is determined to keep the colors of the flag and colors of the shirt," Hoang Huy emphasized.

If other groups have a headache because of the lack of female runners, HBPR easily has quality "pink balls", running FM sub3:21 to sub3:45. These people regularly win age prizes at large-scale tournaments.

Before MetaSports Marathon Hanoi Midnight took place, Hoa Binh Park Runner sent members to participate in many other tournaments as runners, crews... But the Hanoi night tournament was the event that received the most attention and also set the highest goals. . So the team said to spend 200% of their efforts on this race.

"With the slogan 'Run for peace', we will play well, run well and give our best. Everyone is seasoned with a lot of competition experience, so on race day, the team has no special tactics. Enter. with a comfortable mentality is the priority", the group's representative affirmed.

MetaSports Marathon Hanoi Midnight 2022 will take place on the night of November 26 and early morning of November 27. The tournament was organized by MetaSports newspaper in collaboration with the Hanoi People's Committee, bringing together nearly 10,000 domestic and international runners. This year, the group racing category will be a new point. 36 clubs with more than 720 runners competing together promise to increase expertise. Aqua Vietnam is the main sponsor of the tournament.

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