Hungry after jogging
Many athletes share, they once experienced a feeling of extreme hunger after each long training session or the end of the race. Sometimes hunger comes very quickly even after eating a main meal or a snack after a run.
According to medical experts, this is completely normal, especially for those who are just starting to run or have just increased the frequency and intensity of exercise. Because the body burns a significant amount of calories, it needs to replenish its stored energy and respond with cravings for more. Although not harmful to health, this long-term condition will be annoying for runners, especially those who are trying to lose weight or want to maintain their current weight.
For a smooth running journey, runners first need to understand the causes of cravings. In a study on the effects of running on hunger and food intake, it was found that several hormones including leptin, ghrelin and peptide YY (PYY) are produced during running. This is the main reason that leads to stimulation and increases the desire to eat.
In addition, there are some other common causes such as: the body signals dehydration after running, but instead of drinking, we go to find food; the diet is not reasonable when it is mainly starch and sugar, lack of good food; habitually eat food with 2-3 times the amount of calories expended during exercise. From these reasons, runners can apply some of the following notes to help control hunger.
Instead of eating three main meals a day, runners can split their meals into 5 to 6 meals. This helps you not to get too hungry due to a long wait and actively control both the quality and quantity of the food. In addition, do not skip meals, typically breakfast, for the purpose of reducing calorie intake, because this only makes you eat more later. One more tip is to regularly carry low-calorie snacks with you for convenience when you feel hungry.
Adding good, high-fiber foods to your daily diet is thought to be necessary, as they will help satisfy hunger faster and stay full longer. In addition, high-fiber foods that are often low in calories are healthy in the long run, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Within a few hours of running, runners should drink plenty of water, especially water. In addition to the effect of rehydrating the body after exercise, this habit also helps identify and eliminate signs of "false hunger", in case you still feel hungry after eating.
To check if you may be drinking enough water, the simplest method is based on the color of your urine: If they are light lemon yellow, you are drinking enough, if dark yellow means you are drinking enough water. is that you need to add more quantity. In addition, drinking water before and during snacks and meals also helps limit overeating.
Research shows that it takes about 20 minutes for the body to realize that it is full. This means that if you eat too quickly, you will consume unnecessary calories. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the speed of eating after exercising or running long distances, because if you eat slowly, the brain will start sending signals to stop eating at the right time.
The expert also pointed out some common mistakes runners often make while controlling hunger after running, such as eating too much junk food or starchy foods. Instead, using a meal full of starch, fiber and protein will help runners quickly recover energy and ensure health to complete the following runs.