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Hurricane trauma after setting a double for the Pacific.

Published:2022-10-09 By Hiếu Lương (MetaSports) Comments
Upon bringing to the Pacific Railroad with Da Nan4-0 in 18 V-League of 7-10, but the late old Os have to leave the grounds for injuries.

Funky 60, the Green Horny Defenr attacks, poking the thrust of Dr. Ling. Fifty-five-year-old Relic money goes through Fort Luna's hard to score a ratio table on 2-0. Until 68, it's your second goal with a remote shot from the 20-20-negative angle to the lowest corner of Da.

However, just two minutes later, Dr. Ling sits on the ground, reveals his prayers. Ping Ping Ping's got pain in the left side after a collision with Da Nang players. The rail later was brought in to carry Dr. Ling out of the yard.

Dr. Ling has been injured several times. At first this year, you have a problem at your feet before the SEA Games 31. Until the end of July, the Invisible Jungle, a month's period, absent from 9 to 12-League-2022.

A double on the net, three-millimeters are available at V-League 2022. The 14 naval win battle with 1089 minutes, the average three minutes of three minutes. You're the best part of the game and only Rimario's army is at the Navy table- at the King's race this season's race.

Four-0 wins in front of Da Nang noted the boom of the Pacific Railroad. Besides Dr. Ling, two foreign coins are Eydison and Welington also fired.

At 20, take advantage of the chance to protect Lin Shing Shing Shing Point, Eydison on his face and end his golden foot in a tight corner. Welington puts the 4-0 results on the first shot at 75 after a U.S. Chief Guan Yunchang, and then lays up the initiative.

These three points help the Pacific-League 2022, more than the Green Destiny, but the kick is more than two. Da Nang is still in position of 10, four points on two but fight more than one fight.

It's the sad day of the Cantonese football... right now. At the same time, Canton lost to 1-5 Street in the First Division.

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