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It's coming up for World Series of 2022 National-KV in North: 49's big score.

Published:2022-10-24 By Việt Long(Meta Sports) Comments
total 49 team and female teams will compete for the 5-million-dollar teams, promising a massive struggle at the basketball team in the 2022-V-North.

This morning 19/10's Day meeting, our team leaders and basketball team members of 2022 National-regional regional regional regions have been at Homeland Security.

The meeting has the presence of the organization's agency, the department in charge, the media and representatives of 49 teams are attending.

The result of your visit has delivered 40 male team with 9's team back to the 16 board, starting a talent from Thursday morning, day 20/10 at the Community University of Community Syndrome.

basketball, student basketball, World Series of National Park, NUC 2022, national basketball, basketball, basketball basketball, world-wide basketball basketball for 2022-22

The tables are divided as follows:

South content (13 the match - 40):

FEMALE LE REPORTER: FEMALE Institute of Technology, RMIT University University of Technology, South University of Technology.

Bank Institute of Bank, Natural Science, HQG, Telephone calls.

"Resolute Environment, Law Enforcement, State of the Union"

FPT Polytechnic, Social Security Department, Social Science and Conservation Academy, People's Department.

Transported Traffic Park, National Economics, British British Court, South Vietnamese.

First of all, South Vietnamese Plant Academy, Civil Rights, South Vietnamese Maritime Academy.

Sea Dragon, Sea Dragon, Hanoi

Board: Book Academy and Development, FPT University, Business and HN Technology.

East Korea, Civil East East East, Telephone and Transport Technologies.

Syndrome by: Phenikaa Academy, Press and Declaration, Science and Technologies.

HN Industrial, Bust Symbols, Scissor architecture.

Clipboard: Real Real Real Real Real Real villains, HQG Technology, built a Hanoi

Board of O, HN Health College, Grand Master Fang TDMMN Academy.

basketball, student basketball, World Series of National Park, NUC 2022, national basketball, basketball, basketball basketball, world-wide basketball basketball for 2022-22

Female likeness (3 pounds -9):

Symbols, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Affairs, East Korean architecture.

Public Affairs is known as Hanoi Industry, Hanoi Kingdom

Councilor, Fang TDTT, the Science Board, the Bank Institute.

It's a form of competition for the northern regions.

South-content: 40 the team divided into 13 pounds, each board has 3 team and A board with 4. The board will be playing round and round, score and ranking.

There's gonna be a 16-team that's going to go in online ratings including the 13 team, top team A and two best grades in the 12-pounds left of B to board O.

First-class team, second and three in the southern part of the northern region will win the national Finals.

Supergirl: 9 team will divide into 3 pounds, each board has 3 team. The board will be playing round and round, score and ranking.

There will be four teams in direct circles including: Three team in every panel and a second-class team has the best track.

Two first-ranking teams and second female regions in the North will be 822n south south of 82211; to attend the national finances.

basketball, student basketball, World Series of National Park, NUC 2022, national basketball, basketball, basketball basketball, world-wide basketball basketball for 2022-22
basketball, student basketball, World Series of National Park, NUC 2022, national basketball, basketball, basketball basketball, world-wide basketball basketball for 2022-22

World Series of World Series in 2022-zone 1 (North Wing) will officially start at tomorrow 20/10/20/2022 at the Spanish University of Community.

The games are going on throughout the day 2/11/20-22. Circle of the tournament from 20-28/28/10. Lomid-combat will begin from the day 29/10. Upmid-day and award will come off.

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