MT Sports

Le Tuan Minh became a chess general

Published:2022-07-05 By Xuân Bình(MetaSports) Comments
The US player Le Tuan Minh became the 13th chess general of Vietnam, after winning the final standard at the World Open 2022 in Philadelphia.

After nine rounds, Elo 2.527) win seven points, and no fail. The performance of your tournament at the El2-683. Tumarker also met four prime ministers at the tournament, and the opponents came from more than three different union. These conditions help most of the three Vietnamese in order to be awarded the prime minister.

Tuan Minh is the 13th grandmaster of Vietnamese chess. The top 12 grandmasters are Dao Thien Hai, Tu Hoang Thong, Nguyen Anh Dung, Cao Sang, Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, Le Quang Liem, Bui Vinh, Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy, Nguyen Duc Hoa, Tran Tuan Minh and Nguyen.Anh Khoi and Nguyen Van Huy.

World Open brings together 225 players of nine Swiss systems from June 30 to July 4 in Philadelphia, USA. Le Tuan Minh ended the tournament with the leading record, and strong players including Jeffery Xiong (Elo 2,688). Le Tuan Minh also earned 13.3 Elo from this tournament.

Because the remaining boards are happening, there may be more players to win seven points to lead. For scoring players, bonuses will be divided evenly. It is expected that Le Tuan Minh will receive several thousand dollars.

Le Tuan Minh is also the second Vietnamese player in the history of World Open. The first person to do this was Le Quang Liem, when he won the 2019 prize with 7.5 points.

Le Tuan Minh was born in 1996, the third player in Vietnam, after Le Quang Liem and Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son. He is famous in the chess community for achieving high achievements in the top -light and lightning chess tournament on the top online chess platforms. The world's eight player Hikaru Nakamura once said that Le Tuan Minh has reached the level of a great general.

Tuan Minh was fourth in HD Bank 2018 International Chess Prize in Hanoi. At the 2019 SEA Games, he won gold medals in both contents of personal and team -mates.

Grandmaster (Grandmaster - GM) is the highest title Fide Phong for a player. GM can hold the title for the rest of their lives, except for the case of being stripped of fraud. Another name of this title is International Grandmaster, but today is rarely used. The GM title was first awarded by Fide in 1950, to 27 players.

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