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LION Championship 05: Tran Ngoc Luong wins unbelievable, Lien Phong Dojo shines

Published:2023-04-24 By Nguyễn Nhanh(Meta Sports) Comments
6 matches in the evening of the LION Championship 05 event ended with an "unbelievable" victory of Tran Ngoc Luong and a shining display from martial artists Lien Phong.

The highlight of the LION Championship 05 event taking place at Rach Mieu Stadium on Saturday night April 22 is 6 matches in the evening, where most of the A-listers are present.

However, the most notable match, despite the "B" rating, has the presence of the cult name Tran Ngoc Luong and the boxer from Brazil, Robson de Oliveira, who owns the most advanced jujitsu belt in the LION Championship this season. .

Indeed, both Tran Ngoc Luong and Robson Oliveira have provided the audience with quality grappling situations and otherwise because this is the first season for both of them to attend the LION Championship, they would have to start from the B-class format (3 rounds each). 3 minutes), then maybe 3 rounds of 5 minutes will satisfy the fans' thirst.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05

Before the match, Tran Ngoc Luong made a strong statement that he "knows how to beat Robson Oliveira with his opponent's grappling strength, even winning with a rear-naked choke". Even, the boxer practicing at the SSC furnace is confident with the goal of quickly promoting to A to challenge Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, who holds the 60 kg belt.

In fact, from the words to the performance in the octagonal cage of Tran Ngoc Luong before Robson Oliveira is still... quite a distance. After 3 rounds with a total of 9 minutes, Tran Ngoc Luong was taken-down many times and proved to be inferior in grappling situations, although the Brazilian boxer did not have a significant lock phase.

Tran Ngoc Luong's striking skill in this match did not leave a clear mark except for a few low-kick situations. And it's easy to overshadow the all-round performance of Robson Oliveira and the Brazilian third-degree black belt in juggling (BJJ) who showed a slight edge in efficiency in two-thirds of the round.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05

With 2/3 of the referee scoring the win (29-28), Tran Ngoc Luong had an "unbelievable" victory on the launch day of the LION Championship. And if this 30-year-old boxer does not perform better in the next matches, it will be even more difficult to believe that he can challenge and take the belt from Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat.

Also at the LION Championship 05 event, the match that is considered the main event is the competition between Nguyen Thanh Do and Pham Ngoc Canh in the 56 kg category. These are the two boxers with the highest rankings last season in the series of A-class matches taking place at this event.

At the weigh-in session, Ngoc Canh was over 2 kg and then despite his efforts to cut weight, he still exceeded 1 kg, which means that he had to cut 20% of the competition money and transfer it to his opponent. This obviously affects a lot to the boxers of Lien Phong Martial Arts School and when on the floor, in front of an opponent 9 years younger than him, possessing good striking skills from the Quyen Vuong Club, Thanh Do, Ngoc Canh really took the plunge. occlusion.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05

With heavy backhands, jabs and round punches from Chengdu, Ngoc Canh's face and ears were bleeding.

The boxer from Lien Phong martial arts school was determined to find a knock-out situation in the last round, but Thanh Do was alert enough, experienced and stubborn when he adhered to the strategy of keeping the distance to end the match with a winning score.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05

But despite Ngoc Canh's defeat, the A-series match at LION Championship 05 was still a great shining evening for Lien Phong Dojo, Johnny Tri Nguyen and Tran Quang Loc. Because before that, all three boxers Lien Phong won by knockout.

Nguyen Hoang Thach (56 kg) opened the evening event with a left foot head-kick that hit Nguyen Phu Quy's face, thereby winning the knockout after only 28 seconds.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05

Next, Bui Truong Sinh (60 kg) despite being "strangled by Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat", boxer Le Van Tuan overwhelmed in the first half, he had a powerful body-kick that hit the ribs and abdomen, causing the opponent to collapse. fell at the end of the second half, thereby marking the second knockout victory for Lien Phong.

And finally, the technical knockout victory of 34-year-old boxer Minh Nhut against Trung Hai was also in the 60 kg weight category in the last seconds of the second half.

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat, Lien Phong Dojo, Tran Ngoc Luong, LION Championship 2023, Le Van Tuan mma, Tran Ngoc Luong vs Robson Oliveira, LION Championship 05
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