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Nine MetaSports Marathon 2022 Champions

Published:2022-12-21 By Thanh Lan(MetaSports) Comments
MetaSports Marathon 2022 witnessed the strong rise of movement athletes, with 3 new champions.

VM Hue - Pham Thi Hue's record

MetaSports Marathom Imperial Hue 2022, taking place on April 10, marks the return of the VM system after more than a year of suspension due to the epidemic. In a cool weather day, the beautiful track pleases the runners. The tournament closed with a series of records, including a new systematic record in the women's content set by Pham Thi Hue (26 years old, Quang Ninh).

Maintaining the leading position throughout the race, she finished the 42km distance with a record of 2 hours 50 minutes 33 seconds, breaking the unique position held by Pham Thi Hong Le from VM Quy Nhon 2019. At the time of the coronation, Hue just switched to marathon training for two months.

The athlete from the Quang Ninh Sports Training Center said that this is an extremely difficult distance, there are times when she is discouraged, but then she regains her spirit to continue. "I think I have to try not to waste my efforts on the last journey and regret it after the tournament," Hue said. When she crossed the finish line, she was more than 8 minutes ahead of the second place finisher.

If in the women's content, Pham Thi Hue had to fight with herself to not give up, then about 20 minutes earlier, in the men's content, champion Bui The Anh had to compete with runner-up Le Tan Hi. to the last meters of the road.

The UK doesn't run at the top most of the time. However, with the competitive experience of a major athlete in military athletics, he accelerated, surpassing a series of elites. The British reached the finish line in a state of full effort - runners often refer to the term all-out. This is also the first time a male athlete has won a championship in the MetaSports Marathon system, with a time of 2 hours 34 minutes 52 seconds.

VM Quy Nhon - Le Van Tuan defends the championship, Pham Thi Binh reappears

Following the feelings of VM Hue, on June 12, Quy Nhon city (Binh Dinh) welcomed more than 10,000 runners across the country to attend. This time, the number of athletes has doubled compared to the 2020 season, but the name of the male content champion remains unchanged. Le Van Tuan finished the VM Quy Nhon race track after 2 hours 36 minutes 37 seconds, successfully defending the championship.

The 38-year-old runner shared that although he did not have as good results as the 2020 season (2 hours and 33 minutes), with this achievement, he achieved his goal. Before that, Tuan only had about a month to practice.

Unlike the male champion, Pham Thi Binh's victory in the women's content is the first full marathon mark after eight years of "barefoot queen" retirement. Reaching the finish line on bare feet, far away from the opponent, her image made the audience watching the race in Quy Nhon city that day admired.

Pham Thi Binh (Quang Ngai) used to be a national player, she has retired and has only returned to compete since 2020. To compete in the marathon distance, she has to put in a lot of practice. At the MetaSports Marathon Hue in April 2022, Binh finished second, behind junior Pham Thi Hue. Compared to the Hue tournament, her performance is not much different, the same is 2 hours 58 minutes, but with her legs coming from Quang Ngai, it is an improvement.

"The track in Hue is more comfortable. The track in Quy Nhon this time is challenging, about 10km of slopes, the weather is hot and humid. Therefore, I am satisfied with my results," Ms. Binh said.

VM Ha Long - Do Quoc Luat, Ha Thi Hau won the championship

VM Ha Long taking place on July 24 is the second time Do Quoc Luat has run a full marathon. With just over a month of preparation, he entered the game impressively, leading most of the time and maintaining this position until the finish. He won with 2 hours 42 minutes 49 seconds. At the same time, becoming the first person to win the two longest distances in the MetaSports Marathon system, 21km and 42km.

"Decided to sign up for the marathon because I wanted to discover how my body reacts when I run long. On the other hand, I believe I have a chance to compete," he said. Winning at VM Ha Long was a surprise to him and many people because this is not a forte distance. However, through the process of training and competition, the army runner has increasingly proved its ability to adapt well to all distances.

Do Quoc Luat once dominated the 5km and 10km races in the national youth races. Then, due to an injury, in 2016, he switched to the 3,000m obstacle course and won the gold medal at the 2019 SEA Games. He won the first place in the 21km VM system three times, and won the 10km championship seven times in a row. Men's team at the national championships and marathons.

In the female category, Ha Thi Hau (Lao Cai) has never competed professionally. Only practiced running for two years, but Hau has stood on the podium at many official tournaments, owning a collection of titles.

Under the hot and somewhat sultry sun in Ha Long that day, many runners finished the race in a state of fatigue and exhaustion. And Ha Thi Hau still crossed the finish line with a bright smile, enjoying the victory. Dubbed the "queen of trail running", running on flat terrain is a great advantage.

While other runners "haunted" the slope at Bai Chay bridge, Ha Thi Hau was not afraid. "Born, raised, training in Sapa with steep hills gives me a stronger lung than the average person. Down the plains, I feel much more relaxed," the 33-year-old runner shared.

This is her second time participating in MetaSports Marton. Previously in the Quy Nhon tournament, Hau only finished second due to a cramp on the running track.

VM Nha Trang - new factor Nguyen Quoc Dung

Nguyen Quoc Dung - the champion of the MetaSports Marathon Nha Trang 2022 men's content on the staff of the Khanh Hoa athletics team. The runner born in 1997 first attended a tournament in the VM system and was surprised when he finished first with a record of 2 hours 38 minutes, 8 minutes faster than Dan Quyet.

Overcoming a series of familiar names, Dung had a convincing performance when maintaining the lead in most races. The championship of VM Nha Trang according to Dung was a surprise. "Winning is partly due to luck when playing at home. This will be a springboard for me to achieve better results in the future," Dung shared after the finish line.

In the women's content, Pham Thi Binh continues to be the winner of the FM distance after overcoming a series of other competitors, once again affirming the level of the former SEA Games champion. This is the only runner to win two VM 42km championships this year.

VM Hanoi - Vu Dinh Duan, Leo Thi Tinh make great progress

If you follow the award list of the MetaSports Marathon system in the past year, readers can easily recognize the name Vu Dinh Duan, who regularly participates in the age award categories.

Diligently practicing, participating in movement awards, Duan's efforts have paid off. The boy born in 1997, originally from Quang Ninh, became the champion of this year's Hanoi night running race with 2 hours 45 minutes 15 seconds, only 15 seconds faster than runner-up Dang Anh Quyet.

This victory, along with the Aquaman Vietnam biathlon championship in early October, shows that Duan is improving day by day. This is also a stepping stone for this runner towards his dream of conquering the SEA Games arena.

Similar to Vu Dinh Duan, from the beginning of the year to now, Leo Thi Tinh has also been hard at work participating in the MetaSports Marathon system. In Hue and Quy Nhon, the girl from Son La finished third overall. At VM Ha Long, after many efforts, Tinh finished in second place. At VM Nha Trang, she lost to senior Pham Thi Binh.

After her efforts, Leo Thi Tinh successfully conquered the Hanoi night running championship, with an achievement of 3 hours and 9 minutes, far from the second person. Leo Thi Tinh almost always leads the way throughout the journey to conquer the women's running track on the night of November 26 and early morning of November 27.

MetaSports Marathon 2022 closed, 9 names stepped onto the highest podium with both professional athletes and movement runners. This shows the attraction as well as the professional quality of the tournament.

Entering 2023, the VM system has two more tournaments, MetaSports Marathon Ho Chi Minh City Midnight and MetaSports Marathon Hai Phong, bringing the total number of races to 7. This means that runners with good achievements will have more opportunities. competition for the top spot.

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