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Note when jogging in hot weather

Published:2023-04-03 By An Hy (MetaSports) Comments
Participants need to supplement with enough water, vitamins, minerals and choose appropriate clothing when running in hot weather.

The weather is ready for summer. This is also the peak time for many running races in Vietnam. Running in hot weather can cause runners to become dehydrated, heatstroke, and other heat-related illnesses.

Exercising in a high temperature environment makes runners feel hot, heart rate increases, blood becomes thicker, body burns more calories, sweats more, then water and minerals such as zinc, magnesium , calcium, sodium, vitamins B, C, ... are also released through this route.

The B group of vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system and may be the most important factor in the maintenance of nerves. Meanwhile, vitamin C contributes to the protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage, helps the nervous system to function normally, and maintains the function of the immune system during and after physical activity. harsh substance.

The function of sodium is to help balance fluid levels in the body, stabilize blood pressure, and support nerve and muscle function. Potassium plays a role in supporting heart, nerve, and muscle function and moving nutrients into cells, supporting metabolism. Calcium helps the heart contract, blood vessels relax to stabilize blood pressure, magnesium stabilizes cell membrane electrical activity, improves nerve and muscle function...

Experts recommend that the best way to get enough vitamins and minerals is to eat a healthy diet, avoiding processed foods and salty foods. During running, athletes can eat watermelon, bananas, drink electrolyte water to replenish water, a small amount of sugar, minerals ...

A few days before the race starts, runners should try to drink enough water. If the weather is especially hot, causing the body to sweat a lot, leading to more water loss, check the color of the urine to adjust the amount of fluid intake accordingly. Experts recommend that each person should try to keep the urine a nice light color, commonly known as a pale straw color in the medical community. Drinking water also helps cool down and prevent heat injury.

However, on race day, runners should not drink too much water because that can cause hyponatremia. About 90 minutes before the start of the race, runners can drink an extra bottle of a strong electrolyte drink to increase plasma volume.

While running, should only drink about 0.1 - 0.2 liters of water, each time about 5-20 minutes apart. After running, it is necessary to add more water to speed up the body's recovery.

Runners should wear light-colored, breathable materials such as microfiber polyester and cotton blends or fabrics that block UV rays. During running, feet will sweat a lot, so you should choose acrylic, coolmax, polyester socks and do not use socks with 100% cotton ingredients, which can cause your feet to get wet and blister.

Also, be sure to wear a hat, cover up, and wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Runners should give themselves 8 to 14 days to get used to the hot weather, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your training. During this time, your body learns to lower your heart rate, lower your body temperature, and increase your sweating rate.

Besides, runners should flexibly adjust the route and running time of the day. When running in city areas that are always hotter than the surrounding areas because of the heat emitted from the asphalt and concrete, look for shaded routes, near lakes and try to run early in the morning or late at night. .

When running in hot weather, sunburned skin, runners need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and apply aloe vera several times a day to ease the pain.

Hot and humid weather can also cause blisters, in which case, applying vaseline, sports lubricant and bandages to blister-prone areas is a useful solution.

Exercising in hot weather can easily lead to fatigue and cramps. To prevent this from happening, runners need to keep enough water for the body, supplementing with sodium-containing drinks. If you get a cramp, stretch immediately, if it's in your calves, stop running, straighten your legs, tiptoe up, and hold the stretch for a few seconds. The runner may need to continue this for 2 to 3 minutes. Then massage your muscles to help relieve pain and get you ready to run again.

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