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Old Mrs 77 finished 602 marathon

Published:2022-10-14 By Thành Dương (MetaSports) Comments
AnhGina Little runs the general 602 marathon for years, listed as the youngest woman who accomplished the biggest race in the world.

Today, Gina Little responded from England to America to attend Chicago Marathon 20-22-run first-602 in your life, also the last welcome Abbott World Marathon (six of the largest resorts). The crowd clapped their hands when she saw Little appear at the starting line with a glorious smile before she conquered the challenge.

In the pleasant weather about the 11 C in Chicago on Sunday, runner 77 year has completed the race after four seven seven minutes of 15. The third-standing group of 75 to 79, this record is still part of the initial plan under five hours, because only two weeks ago she ran in London Marathon and Marathon.

After the race, Little was given two medals, including the winner and the sixth-star medals represent six champions she was once conquered. Each wing on the star is a small chapter of the leagues. This is also the honor of the conquerors who succeed Major.

"I'm not worried about my age, because I know I can only do this one once in my life," Gina says.

The first time the British fought the competition at a Major Award in London five 1983, since, Little runner had been up to win more New York five 1987, Berlin 1988, 19996, Tokyo, 20810. It took years to wait for Little 12-year-year-year-year-year round in Chicago.

Gina told me she was in Berlin thon 31 and London Marathon 38 for a record of a runner. Besides, she ran hundreds of other races because she had a passionate passion for the marathon. The runners take Little to 46 national, 22 on the island, there are famous places like Hawaii or New Zealand. This year, you will be on the Lanzarote Island of Spain to conquer Lanzarote International Marathon, 13/12.

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