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Parents leave work, travel hundreds of kilometers to take their children to run Kun Marathon

Published:2023-08-11 By Thi Nguyên(MetaSports) Comments
Hoang Giang and his wife (HCMC) put aside all their work and came to Nha Trang for 4 days to help their children realize their dream of participating in the Kun Marathon with 2,000 other young runners.

From more than 7am, the couple runner Hoang Giang (47 years old) - Hong Nga (35 years old), in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City took their two children to 2/4 Square to wait for the time to distribute the Kun Marathon Nha Trang race-kit. They came to the coastal city from last night and said they had arranged their work well last month so that they could accompany their two children in the second race of their life. The excitement and excitement are still evident on the faces of Hoang Quan (7 years old), Hoang Thanh (6 years old). "I want to put on my running shoes right away," they said.

Runner Hoang Giang revealed that her two children love football, rollerblading, swimming but rarely jogging. At the tournament in Ho Chi Minh City in February, he and his wife persuaded their son to join the children's race because they wanted him to be healthier, more confident, and to interact with many peers.

"Having finished the Kun Marathon in Ho Chi Minh City, the children are very happy because they have just made new friends and have a medal to show off to the whole class. The two children asked their parents to register for the following tournaments, including the Nha Trang tournament on August 12. Kun Marathon has promoted the running movement in children, making them happier and healthier. Parents like us will definitely encourage and support their children in similar competitions," Hoang Giang said.

According to him a few months ago, only exercising a few tens of meters, the two children were tired, unable to breathe. He guides him to warm up properly, balance breathing, maintain speed in the first stage and gradually increase in the next stage. Now the two children self-identify as professional runners, running a few kilometers still not tired.

Ms. Hong Nga said that the family is more connected thanks to the common passion for running. Two children willing to share their joys and sorrows in class with their parents. She and her husband do not impose, force or order their children, instead always listen to their opinions, ready to accompany them anytime, anywhere. "My wife and I will accompany our children in the next Kun Marathon. Hopefully tomorrow, we will conquer 700 meters along the coast safely and happily," she said.

In addition, Hoang Giang said that he has been living at Van Phuc Runner Club since 2022, having conquered the 42km distance of the MetaSports Marathon Ho Chi Minh City and Hue. In Nha Trang this time, he still registered for a full marathon, aiming to finish sub4.

Parents Thu Huyen (37 years old, Ngoc Hiep ward, Nha Trang) also agree with Hoang Giang and his wife, saying that Kun Marathon has a positive impact on adults and children and is a useful playground, boosting morale. exercise in children.

"My baby is in the second grade, loves to exercise, dance and participate in outdoor activities. Knowing that the children's running tournament is held in my hometown, I immediately signed up for her. She is eager, every day, every day. asked 'when can I run', 'when can I get Bib'... This whole month, I've been up early to practice running, maintaining my form for the weekend test.Knowing that I will receive a race-kit this morning, I'm excited. all night," said Thu Huyen.

Mr. Vo Van Phuc (38 years old, Ly Nam De Street, Nha Trang) knows the kid's race through social networks, learns how and rules to register for his 8-year-old daughter - Khanh Chi. According to him, at home, the child often plays sports alone, because of busy work, parents rarely play with their children, only when they are free, father and son run together. Kun Marathon Nha Trang is an opportunity to connect parents and children, promote children to love movement and social activities more.

"I think that in order to study well, children must be physically fit. Good health, good thinking. Thanks to sports, children's spirits are more positive. Next year, I will continue to support my son to run Kun. Two dads I'm also participating in the running challenge, accumulating points," Phuc said.

After listening to her father's confession, Khanh Chi smiled brightly and continued: "Joining the challenge game, I am very happy and excited. Really looking forward to running with you guys tomorrow".

Similarly, Thanh Tung (39 years old, Vinh Hai ward, Nha Trang) and his 8-year-old son - Thien Nhan - eagerly went to receive Bib on the morning of 11/8. He revealed that he knew the contest through many information channels, was praised by friends for being attractive, so he wanted his children to participate periodically to exercise.

For two months now, he encouraged his son to practice running, swimming, and eating enough to increase his resistance. In class, Thien Nhan was the class president, often telling his friends about the competition and calling the whole class to register for the Kun Marathon.

"Many classmates with Thien On this occasion. My family still has a small child, next year will participate. The international running tournament, helping the sports movement in Nha Trang in particular, the whole country become stronger and stronger. When I exercise in the morning, I notice that the running track is very crowded, not only for men, but also for women, young friends, and even extended families," Tung added.

Kun Marathon is a side event of the MetaSports Marathon Nha Trang 2023, attracting young runners from all over the country to compete. Last year, when coming to this coastal city, the award became a colorful festival, which was awaited by both parents and children. 2,000 children were divided into several runs, conquering the 700 meter coastal road in turn. The running track is arranged with many challenges to stimulate the runner's motor spirit.

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