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Runner seeks new personal record at MetaSports Marathon Hue

Published:2023-04-03 By Hoài Phương(MetaSports) Comments
Evaluation of Hue has ideal competition conditions, cool weather, many professional runners aim to break personal records at the tournament on April 16.

Nearly a month before the start of MetaSports Marathon Imperial Hue, Nong Thi Chang is busy with a tight training schedule. Runner, born in 2002, practices two mornings and evenings every day, at Cau Giay park, in between going to the lecture hall. She almost never missed a practice session despite the tight schedule. Chang was determined when he first came to Hue to compete.

Nong Thi Chang is the runner-up of the night run in Ho Chi Minh City with a record of 3 hours 19 minutes, setting a personal record. After the success of the award, the female student of Faculty of Tourism, Dai Nam University set a higher goal for herself, increasing her achievement to 3 hours and 15 minutes, maintaining her position in the Top 3 overall. "I set up my own lesson plan, which is quite heavy with many long training sessions. Stricter discipline because of clear goals. My advantage is youth. If I am in the right form, I can completely break milestone 3. hours and 15 minutes," shared the Lang Son runner.

Never competed in Hue, but Chang has faith in himself. She heard many runners who competed about their memorable experience when coming to the ancient capital. Hue has the greenest, flattest track in the MetaSports Marathon system. The road will go through many inner-city routes through famous monuments, expanding to the suburbs. "I'm not worried because the experience of competing at the MetaSports Marathon is quite good, from the track, to the medical instructions, to the rehydration," Chang said.

Nguyen Thi Duong (Tieu Duong) - runner ranked first in the Top 100 rankings of MetaSports Marathon Hue 2023, aims to maintain stability around the sub3 full marathon mark. She has run 102 marathons in the past 7 years, so she prioritizes "balance" and "happiness" over chasing records. However, with many years of experience, achieving high achievements is still within reach.

Each week, Diabet maintains a schedule of 100km cycling, 50km running, two additional sessions with gym, yoga or swimming. Busy work, and planning to take more certifications, 34-year-old runner considers running as a friend to help her relieve pressure. "Last year, I achieved PR 3 hours 22 minutes 55 in Hue. If I have enough strength and luck, I want to surpass this achievement. But most of all, I want to enjoy a romantic journey in my favorite city." Share line.

Nguyen Van Thuyet - runner of Ha Tinh set a goal of 2 hours and 50 minutes. Running legs born in 1987 is a familiar face in the Top 100 rankings. Before VM Hue, the intensity of his training increased. Accumulation is more than 100km per week. He focuses on tempo and long run songs. For difficult exercises, runners look to big clubs in Hanoi and top athletes for advice. Van Thuyet said that he had more references from foreign documents, books and magazines on exercise regimes and nutrition.

"MetaSports Marathon Hue 2022 is my first time competing in a full marathon. After a year, I want to put my whole heart and soul into assessing my progress," Nguyen Van Thuyet shared.

In 2022, Van Thuyet ran 42km for the first time. The Police Practitioner Instructor was running while worrying about not being able to finish. But after that, he still managed to finish in less than 3 hours. This runner said that he was inspired when he witnessed Le Tan Hi and Bui The Anh compete fiercely to the last meters, so he was determined not to give up even though he was very tired. He described the feeling of completing the first full marathon as lightheaded, happy and completely exhausted.

Quynh Cau (Le Thi Thanh Quynh) - outstanding runner of Quang Ninh running, aiming for the goal of 1 hour 30 minutes at a distance of 21km. The valedictorian of Hanoi University of Physical Education and Sports considers Hue to be the key tournament of the year, an ideal place to aim for a new milestone. Quynh increased the exercises of long tremor and consulted the lesson plan to increase muscle endurance. She combined with a rest and relaxation regimen to let her body relax, achieving good performance when only three weeks left of the start of the tournament.

Quynh is considered one of the talents of Quang Ninh sports. She competed and won many medals in short distance athletics, breaking into both the long jump and the weightlifting. The 26-year-old runner turned to long-running in recent years and gained attention thanks to his outstanding appearance. "I like Hue because it's poetic and romantic. I plan to wear purple clothes when competing here. I hope to have many beautiful photos," Thanh Quynh shared.

Doan Ngoc Hoang - runner of Ultrain Ho Chi Minh City is also busy with a high-intensity training schedule. Three times a week, Hoang is again stressed with endurance exercises, long tremors, speed changes in Phu My Hung (District 7) or Sala (Thu Duc City). The rest of the days, he spent training students. Discipline and seriousness are the criteria that male runners appreciate because the immediate goal is to break personal records.

Last year, when he joined VM Hue for the first time, Doan Ngoc Hoang set up a PR with a record of 2 hours 44 minutes 26. The feeling of competing in Hue with him was like yesterday because it left many indelible marks. The point that impressed Hoang the most was the smooth running track through tree-lined roads and vast rice fields. The weather was cool, only about 20 degrees Celsius, so he ran but did not feel tired. "Analyzing the route, I immediately knew the route was easy to achieve high. I focused entirely on the track. There was a time when I didn't dare to enter the water station for fear of missing PR. At that time, many runners passed a bottle together. water to drink," Ngoc Hoang recounted.

After the night run in Ho Chi Minh City, Doan Ngoc Hoang participated in two half marathons in Binh Duong and Bien Hoa to keep fit. This runner won the second place at Bien Hoa on March 18 with a time of 1 hour 12 minutes 54, a personal record in the distance of 21km. This achievement is only 5 seconds less than champion Dan Quyet - runner also set PR half marathon at the tournament. With experience and bravery accumulated through many tournaments, Hoang confidently set a goal of running under 2 hours and 40 minutes in Hue. Further, he aimed for the achievement of 2 hours and 35 minutes, competing for the final ranking.

"Competition in Hue is very difficult because there are top runners. I think the rivalry will be intense and the tournament will be easy to see many legs running to the finish line with achievements far beyond expectations," Ultrain's runner shared.

Not only Ngoc Hoang, Nong Thi Chang or Tieu Duong, many of the top runners in the running village said that they will head to MetaSports Marathon Hue 2023 with high goals. The tournament with the most comfortable competition conditions in the entire VM system is always a record-hunting goal. Last year, 31 athletes completed VM Hue with the achievement of Sub3 - just one less than the HCM City night race.

The two best athletes in the FM distance, Bui The Anh and Pham Thi Hue, respectively, both have remarkable achievements. Bui The Anh finished first with a record of 2:34:52. If not counting Kenyan runner - Ezekiel Kemboi, The Anh is the champion with the best record in the last 6 VM tournaments. Meanwhile, Pham Thi Hue broke the record with a time of 2:50:33.

MetaSports Marathon Imperial Hue 2023 takes place on April 16. The prize doubled in size compared to the previous year. 10,000 runners continue to run on ancient roads, through many famous landmarks of the ancient capital.

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