MT Sports

Runner Trong Nhon: 'Ba Den mountain terrain is suitable for endurance training'

Published:2023-03-21 By Hoàng Khải(MetaSports) Comments
Binh Dinh people say that in addition to beautiful scenery, Ba Den mountain has a very steep terrain, suitable for trail running and endurance training.

The Baden Mountain Marathon 2023 will take place on April 22-23 in Tay Ninh, with a scale of about 7,000 runners. Trong Nhon - a famous runner in the trail running village - shared about the running route that he will compete in.

- How is the terrain of Ba Den mountain different from the roads you have conquered?

- Ba Den Mountain has a very steep terrain, suitable for me to build endurance and get used to the harsh terrain like in trail running tournaments. In the Southern region, this mountain offers good training conditions for runners.

At an altitude of 986 m, Ba Den Mountain, in addition to challenging terrain for runners, also possesses beautiful and poetic natural scenery, bringing many interesting experiences when running. Another thing, this mountain is a pilgrimage site for many people. Every year, many tourists come here to pray for peace, fortune and luck. So every time I run in this area, I feel at peace. Up to now, Nhon has conquered Ba Den mountain more than 50 times.

- What is your fondest memory from running here?

- I have many memories, the most memorable of which is when I first conquered this mountain. Because there was no preparation, not knowing the difficulty, Nhon climbed from the foot to the top of the mountain without bringing enough water. Halfway through, I lost energy, had to lie down for half an hour to have the strength to climb to the top.

Or there were times when climbing to the top of the mountain at 8 pm, it was raining heavily, I had to rain down the mountain with the flickering flashlight, many times I almost fell on slippery slopes. At first, I was afraid of running at night, but later, when I got used to it, I fell in love with this route.

- What chance helped you become the ambassador of the Baden Mountain Marathon 2023?

- Born and raised in Binh Dinh, but Tay Ninh is the land I have attached to for many years and have lived and worked here for a long time. At that time, after work, I regularly made the goal of running 8-11 km in the city, combined with climbing Ba Den mountain.

Tay Ninh is the place to help Nhon get closer to running, thereby achieving later achievements. It can be said that I have a lot of debt to this land and am honored to continue to be the ambassador of the Baden Mountain Marathon 2023.

- What is the most attractive thing at the Baden Mountain Marathon 2023?

- Probably the message "Legendary Run". This is a race where runners will strut through famous destinations in Tay Ninh. People can cross open rice fields, run under rubber trees, or visit places like Cao Dai Holy See, Ma Thien Lanh mountain...

Athletes will start from Black Lady, near the end of the race will run around the mountain. This is an opportunity for runners to zoom in and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains when the sun rises. The route of Baden Mountain Marathon is very interesting because it passes through a variety of terrains and many poetic landscapes.

What should athletes who participate in the Baden Mountain Marathon 2023 run for the first time be aware of?

- The Baden Mountain Marathon 2023 has 4 distances including 5 km, 10 km, 21 km and 42 km. Runners should choose the right one for their physical condition and goals. Nhon thinks, no matter what distance you choose, you need to be full of energy from the beginning to the end.

To do that, careful preparation from the beginning is very important. A few days before running, people pay attention to good physical and psychological health, do not eat strange foods, do not over-exercise so that the body can relax and be in a ready state. On the day of the test, you should arrive early before the start time to warm up carefully, understand the rules of the race and choose an appropriate standing position.

In addition, arriving early at Baden Mountain Marathon 2023 is also an interesting time for athletes to breathe in the fresh air and watch the sunrise at Ba Den Mountain. You can reward yourself with a cable car ride to the top, enjoy the beauty of the sacred mountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the plains after the race.

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