MT Sports

Saudi Arabia in the U23 Asian finals

Published:2022-06-15 By Quang Dũng - Nhật Tảo(MetaSports) Comments
Uzbekistan at the score and then played more than people from the first half, Saudi Arabia won Australia 2-0 in the semi-final on June 15.

GHI BàN: Al-Eisa 21 ', Ayman Yahya 72'

Tran fought on Pakhtakor Stadium to witness the ending with 11 minutes of dramatic extra time.

In the 90th minute, after several minutes of hard work, Saudi No.1 goalkeeper Achidi had to leave because he collided with striker Patrick Woods and was injured. In the 4th minute of injury time, the referee stopped the game to watch the slow-motion video of VAR, and then Australia awarded a penalty, finding that Saudi captain Hassan Tambakti illegally stopped Rami Najarin at 16 points and 50 points. Najarin himself kicked 11m and was saved by new goalkeeper Chamari when the clock struck in the 9th minute of injury time. Less than a minute later, it was Saudi Arabia's turn to award the penalty after Australian midfielder Hosine Bility fouled Al-Johani to leave human football. The opportunity for the penalty spot was given to Abdullah Radev but the stand-in striker made the same mistake as Najarin, kicking in the direction of the opposing goalkeeper and being saved.

However, these dramatic developments only made extra time more exciting and did not affect the final result. Saudi Arabia proved once again that they remain the most impressive team since the start of the AFC U23 Championship in 2022, performing well against Australia. After the game, statistics show that the West Asia representative has a possession rate of 63% and shoots 21 times, which is more than three times that of his opponent's 6 times, including 5 goal directions. The Australian team had only one shot in the whole game, and Najarin's penalty was saved by Chamari in 90 +9 minutes.

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