MT Sports

Sun Xingyu once gloated because he defeated Germany in the World Cup

Published:2022-07-06 By Duy Đoàn(MetaSports) Comments
Sun Xingyu, a striker who suffered racial discrimination in Germany, was excited after South Korea eliminated "tanks" in the 2018 World Cup.

"I moved to Germany when I was young and spent a lot of hard times so hard to imagine, I'd face a lot of racist behavior, when I went through something like that, I'd scorch my thoughts in my head that day, Son said at the meeting with the fans in Seoul recently.

The first son of Hamburger SV five 2008, when 16 year old, it took you two years to be on a team before you were Bayer Leverkusen recruiting five 2013. After two years of light in Bundesliga, you moved to Tottenham and became one of the best virtues of England.

Although it's been raised in Germany, South Korean money doesn't forget that segregation in here, Son Son, you're a little glorified when you write a goal, helping Korea defeat for the two-0 in World Cup 208. This setback caused the Chariot to stop at the signs that year. "When I saw other people cry, I used to comfort them and give them the hugs, but when I saw the German Spot cry, I felt as if I had paid the debt by my own abilities, the Son added.

Last season, Son of Asia became the first Asian player who won the British outposts with 23 three three three seconds later for Tottenham. You share this title with Mohamed Salah of Liverpool. Son exposing NorwV Antonio Conte has requested that Tottenham players create terms for you to board in the end of the season meeting Norwich- where the two-9-9-year-year-short score in the second round.

"I was a little nervous because Lucas Moura didn't get a chance to score in the first round, but it's fun to hear Coach V Conte say to support me. When Lucas Moura and Steve Bergwijn, they'll help me out, I'm happy to all the boys.

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