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Thanh Hoa volleyball foreigner: "I was shocked when I first came to Vietnam"

Published:2023-03-22 By Quang Minh(Meta Sports) Comments
Lara Vukasovic admitted she was shocked when she first came to Vietnam with difficult experiences in terms of language as well as eating.

The first round of the 2023 National Volleyball Championship ended with not many surprises, the teams that were expected to stand in the way of the big teams did not realize the expectations of the NHM, and Ha Phu Thanh Hoa is a typical example. best.

As the only female team that owns foreign players outside of Asia, Lara Vukasovic with a height of 1m97 and a CV "as beautiful as in the picture" is expected to become a superstar "carrying the team" like what Polina Rahimova did.

Thanh Hoa volleyball, Vietnamese volleyball, domestic volleyball, national volleyball, volleyball news, foreign volleyball players, Lara Vukasovic

Although still playing very well, the Croatian foreigner alone could not do anything when his teammates kept making mistakes. "I'm really sad with the losses. In the match against VTV Binh Dien Long An we almost won in the 4th set to be able to bring the match into the 5th set.

But unfortunately that was one of the times when we fell and let them get ahead, if we had made a little less mistakes, we could have won this game,"  Lara Vukasovic the.

That is just one of many regrets of 1m97 high foreign soldiers, Ha Phu Thanh Hoa made so many mistakes in the matches that Lara Vukasovic was almost helpless. However, fans still recognize the tireless efforts of the 28-year-old foreign soldier, even more respectable when she experienced many difficulties when she first set foot in Asia.

Thanh Hoa volleyball, Vietnamese volleyball, domestic volleyball, national volleyball, volleyball news, foreign volleyball players, Lara Vukasovic

"Honestly, it was a huge culture shock when I first arrived in Vietnam, I've never been to Asia, haven't envisioned anything and don't know what awaits me.

But to be honest, the club in particular and the Vietnamese people are so generous and kind, that when I feel a mental crisis about the cultural difference, people still smile to help me, bring me back to life. I feel very welcome.

It's very important to me during this difficult time, so I'm trying to enjoy the good things in Vietnam despite the things I haven't been able to integrate into,"  Lara Vukasovic confided about the time. 5 weeks in Vietnam.

Thanh Hoa volleyball, Vietnamese volleyball, domestic volleyball, national volleyball, volleyball news, foreign volleyball players, Lara Vukasovic

In addition to cultural differences, difficulties in communication and cuisine are also a headache for Croatian foreign soldiers, Lara chooses a vegetarian method and has many difficulties in finding food, while Lara chooses to be vegetarian. teammates and coaching staff do not understand English.

"The problem with the language barrier. Yes, it's unfortunately a gap. I don't know what people are saying. We try to communicate with each other with body language, sometimes understanding, sometimes confused. It's a bit messy, but I've been trying to learn Vietnamese, things are a bit better

I have difficulty with food, in Vietnam people eat a lot of meat so I have been friends with eggs and tofu until now. In Hanoi it's a little easier, there are some Western dishes like Mexican pasta. I also tried to explore around, but it's not easy for first-time vegetarians like me",  Lara confided.

Thanh Hoa volleyball, Vietnamese volleyball, domestic volleyball, national volleyball, volleyball news, foreign volleyball players, Lara Vukasovic

Things turned bad for the Croatian foreigner when before the final match against Duc Giang Chemical, Lara Vukasovic suffered from food poisoning and needed the help of doctors to recover. With a short and unsuccessful time in Vietnam, this is clearly an unforgettable experience in the career of the 1m97 tall female athlete.

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