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Three years later, Clay Thompson ruptured his ligament: I just want to win

Published:2022-06-16 By Phúc Cơ(Meta Sports) Comments
In 2019, Clay Thompson broke the ACL in Game 6 of the NBA Finals against the Toronto Raptors. Now, he stands ahead of Race 6, but promises to open up many good memories

Three years ago, his left knee cruciate ligament ruptured in Game 6 of the NBA Finals Series against the Toronto Raptors. He didn't know it at the time, but it ended up being the defender's last game in 941 days.

"It was a blink of an eye. It's only been three years," Thompson said, recalling the moment. He didn't know that 36 months had passed until a reporter pointed out. "It all happened very quickly."

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Clay Thompson was injured in the NBA Finals series against the Toronto Raptors

After an ACL injury-which came after Danny Green's tackle try to score-Thompson returned from the hotline minutes later. Clay was determined to send two free throws into the basket before entering the locker room.

"I just don't think I can miss these two points. This is the NBA Finals. I will get the 30th point."

Clay Thompson tried to run back to home run in the next ball situation when he clearly felt he needed to leave the field

Golden State Warriors, NBA, Clay Thompson, NBA Basketball, NBA Finals, NBA News, Clay Thompson Injured

"I never had such a serious injury, so I didn't think it was so serious. I thought I could have a sprain on my knee. But you know, when you are competing for the championship and the championship and Followed by fans, Adrenaline increases so high that you can despise anything - and run around with a torn ligament seems to be normal. "

At this point last year, Thompson started jogging again after Achilles Achilles Achilles Achilles Achilles Achilles heel heel right before the 2020-21. Thompson said he didn't even watch the final series of fights last year because of the pain.

Golden State Warriors, NBA, Clay Thompson, NBA Basketball, NBA Finals, NBA News, Clay Thompson Injured

Thompson is usually a stern player and rarely appears too impatient or too cold. But his feelings have been clearly documented over the past three years, whether he was on the bench an hour after the final whistle, wearing a towel over his head, or kicking the pitch when he couldn't help his teammates.

This third anniversary also marks the end of a difficult time for the Warriors. Since that injury, their three-point ambitions have died, and Kevin Durant no longer plays for Golden State. It was Golden State's final game at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. Just then, a small reconstruction began.

Golden State Warriors, NBA, Clay Thompson, NBA Basketball, NBA Finals, NBA News, Clay Thompson Injured

"Thinking about three years ago and what we've been through, what Clay has been through since that moment, and coming back here, it adds a sense of gratitude to be back on this stage," Steve Curry said.

"It will definitely always be a special part of our journey. It is something we may be talking about for a long time. Hopefully we will be able to complete this task and pay tribute to those three years of journey, a journey that led to extraordinary achievements."

Another win will help the Braves conquer the target. But Golden State is trying not to be complacent. As what happened three years ago taught them, anything can happen.

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Clay Thompson's comeback process

Having said that, will the Warriors players take a moment to review their history?

"Maybe a second," Thompson replied. "But when I set foot on the football field, I want to win anyway. I don't care about ugliness or beauty. Just win and win the championship. I just want to win."

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