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WNBA basketball star was sentenced to Russia, facing over five years of detention.

Published:2022-08-12 By Việt Long(Meta Sports) Comments
Brittney Griner, WNBA basketball star and an ex-American national auditorium has been sentenced to five years in Russian possession of possession, illegal smuggling.

On last night, during Vietnamese hours, the Russian court has issued a verdict to a known associate of American basketball star Brittney Griner with hoard and illegal smuggling into this country.

Accordingly, the WNBA player has been found guilty and will face 9.5 years in prison in Russia, and a fine of 1 million rubles, equivalent to about 400 million.

basketball player, WNBA players were captured in Russia, Brittney Griner.

Previously on Prison Break on the resume about this as follows: Five months ago, Brittney Griner was captured by the police at the Sheremetyevo Airport, Moscow- the Russian capital city.

The police have found Grinner's electronic potion that contains the marijuana oil (about one gram) and then decided to capture the female 31 year-1. You've been locked up since that moment.

While Brittney was in prison, an attempt to rescue through American diplomacy continues to be offered to Russia. There's a way of trading prisoners in there to get an ex-American national contractor back to the country. For that to happen, the Griner needs to confess and you did.

basketball player, WNBA players were captured in Russia, Brittney Griner.

In the end, the 31 female has been sentenced to 9,five imprisonment and sentenced to one million times during the trial last night. The crimes of the Russian court are a possession and illegal smugglers in this country.

In the U.S.S. Committee of the WNBA and NBA have issued a statement of the Russian court's verdict, claiming this is wrong:

The judgment and judgment of the court is not valid, unfortunately, and that Brittney Griner is still wrongly wrongly wrongly. WNBA and NBA's sworn to bring BG back to America's safety and hope that we're not going to live.

President of the United States Joe Biden is also speaking, expressing the unlimited state of Russia to be issued a verdict in front of his name:'8220;this is something impossible to accept and I'm calling Russia to give her freedom to get her family, friends.'

basketball player, WNBA players were captured in Russia, Brittney Griner.
basketball player, WNBA players were captured in Russia, Brittney Griner.

Experts say the court has closed the first stage of eight-22-22-year-old war revolves around Brittney Griner.

Now everything will be no longer happening in court, but will move back to the courtyard, where the diplomatic efforts on the other side will determine the fate of the American girl.

Russia has no comment on the case, being tough and based on the judgment of the court. On the other hand, the NBA and WNBA are protesting, expressing desire to bring Griner back.

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